Hell Dorado 1 : Saracen 
As promised I try to show -now and then- some progress reports on the Hell Dorado.
I finally started on the first warband, the Saracen. Opposite to my "normal" common way of painting, I primed them white. Mainly because I want to try and get the colors more "bright".

The first of my Sarazen: The war panther. I didn't want a customary black Panther thus she got a blue coat.

The demons have also been primed, in my customary black. Hey, they are Demons and so a more dark, brooding color is okay I would think.
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Wadi Wafra #1 
The first of the two desert tables I'm making. Intended for FoW (Africa) and for the Wargods of AEgyptus

Snofret-Haj, my Harbinger of Anubi and his merry Warband are inspecting the field of their future activities.;-)
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FoW - Flames of War Rules 

Got them toady. The "main" Rulebook. And the Intelligence Handbook(s) for Mid-war (1942-1943) Africa/Mediterranean Campaign(s).

I play the Brits while a friend is eagerly waiting for his DAK Minis to arrive. I'll probably collect the LRDG and the SAS too. But that is another story and not for today ;-)
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The whole bunch of available miniatures. My thanks to Philibert for this preorder deal.

1 x Rule book
1 x Regiment Box Demons
1 x Regiment Box Mislead
1 x Regiment Box Scaracen
1 x Regiment Box Westerners
1 x Preorder Miniature (Mercenary)
1 x Terrain Pieces (Packing Crates)

Merry Happy am I :)
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Hasslefree Goodies 

A few goodies from Hasslefree and even a t-shirt for me.

While the picture isn't that good the goodies are.
One Patrice Pirate, a bunch of pulp-cultists, a naked Artemis and another Haremslave.
I just love Hasslefree.
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