FoW - Flames of War Rules 

Got them toady. The "main" Rulebook. And the Intelligence Handbook(s) for Mid-war (1942-1943) Africa/Mediterranean Campaign(s).

I play the Brits while a friend is eagerly waiting for his DAK Minis to arrive. I'll probably collect the LRDG and the SAS too. But that is another story and not for today ;-)
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Mini-Art-Con MAC 2007 
..It was a blast. Seriousely.

I did have an entry for the Red Devil Contest. Though when I saw the other works I decided on a whim not to enter the competition. Guess I have to work harder for next year.

Mini Art Con
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The start of a blog? 
How should I start a blog? And why? And how do I do that?

See. Blogging isn't as simple as some people might think. A well. Everyone has to start somewhere I guess. Why shouldn't I start here?!

I'm not very gifted if it comes to HTML and webspaces. Hell, my very website is a mess I do plan to rewamp sometime in the future. Let's just say I start this thing here and we leave the rest to my hands. In the future. Probably. Ah well.

Männimolen is some Mutt version text meaning Painting guys (or 'lil guys)in Luxemburgish. I do intend use this place here as a showcase for my (more or less) good work. Miniatures and terrainmaking are favorites hobbies. And I hope you'll like some of the things you perhaps will see here :-)

Oh and don't worry about updates. Sometimes I will update. And more often I don't. I'm not keen on slavish day-by-day progress (and really can't due to different constraints). But now and then I do hope to make some major announcement here.

So without further delay... let's start populate this place, shall we *grins*
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