Mini-Art-Con MAC 2007 
..It was a blast. Seriousely.

I did have an entry for the Red Devil Contest. Though when I saw the other works I decided on a whim not to enter the competition. Guess I have to work harder for next year.

Mini Art Con
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GW Dwarfes 
The cannon and crew from the new Warhammer Fantasy battle Starter Box

Painted 02/2007
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15 mm DBA ..first batch 
I hear a lot about DBA, so when I came across DBA Army Boxes from Corvus Belli I thought I give it a try.

15mm Numidians (still very WIP)

I have to lookup the bases as I'm not sure which base has to have what width, etc..

And I still have 15mm Romans to look at. :-)
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Hasslefree Jenova 
I just plainly love Hasslefree Minis.

This one here is an interesting sculpt from Kev White.

Painted Mai/June 2005 (I think)

Hasslefree Minis
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a dwarf mine 
The place where we meet weekly wants to participate in the upcoming GW Summer campaign. Each of us has to do some piece of terrain. AFAIK there are woods, treehouses, graveyards in the works.

My own piece will be a Dwarf mine. Fitting, don't you think, as the campaign resolves around some obscure thingamagik lost by dwarves and found again.

The place is still very WIP (that's work in progress) but I think you get the general idea.
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