My, I got productive over the Easter Weekend. LOL
Last year I ordered the Foundry Painting Book Deal
(the one with Kevin's signature, the minis and the colors
used in one huge package).
I finally talked myself into painting the minis with the colors.
Look what came out:
AD2000 / Judge Dredd
Foundry Orc
Foundry macedonians
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Following some ongoing discussions about LOTOW, I thought I would give the WildWest theme some chance. Hence my order. When I saw the goodies on their site though I couldn't help and ordered even more miniatures. Ah bad me *grin*.
A merry "thank you" toward Ramona (from BSM)for the kind up-to-date emails concerning my order.
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I really couldn't attend this convention without spending a little Money on Minis.
The special Mini-Art-Con 2007 Figure came with the entrance fee. Got myself a miniature from Tins and Bits, a company I didn't know before.
Couldn't really go without some Freebooters as well. And finally some Masquerade Minis. The snowman was a free gift.
Something I know for sure: I'll be back at MAC 2008.
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..It was a blast. Seriousely.
I did have an entry for the Red Devil Contest. Though when I saw the other works I decided on a whim not to enter the competition. Guess I have to work harder for next year.
Mini Art Con
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The cannon and crew from the new Warhammer Fantasy battle Starter Box
Painted 02/2007
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