Simple. My health has gone way down and right now I've got to take a lot of painkillers. The hands are shaking, concentration isn't there. I stopped reading in the various forums I am/was member of.
There's a bit of surgery coming next so I changed my miniatures painting items to aquarells, pastells and charcoals. These were the mediums I started working with prior to my discovery of the miniature painting joy.
The sad (or funny) thing (depending) is that I can't paint miniatures right now as I am shaking, but it doesn't disturb my watercolors in no way.
Ah heck, perhaps I can show some paintings if everything goes fine.
Until then I wish you all many happy painting hours.
Jo aka artshiraz
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My very own Terrain building corner Madness.
You'll find almost everything there. About the only thing missing is finding some "free" room to get something done.

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Some ebay auction I won:

From Valmy to Waterloo, Miniature Wargaming Rules for 5-15mm Miniatures
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Got them toady. The "main" Rulebook. And the Intelligence Handbook(s) for Mid-war (1942-1943) Africa/Mediterranean Campaign(s).
I play the Brits while a friend is eagerly waiting for his DAK Minis to arrive. I'll probably collect the LRDG and the SAS too. But that is another story and not for today

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..It was a blast. Seriousely.
I did have an entry for the Red Devil Contest. Though when I saw the other works I decided on a whim not to enter the competition. Guess I have to work harder for next year.

Mini Art Con
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